Thermochemical benchmark: atomisation of closed shell molecules with core correlation

Bak et al., doi:10.1063/1.1357225 and doi:10.1063/1.481544

import pymolpro
import pandas as pd
backend = 'local'  # If preferred, change this to one of the backends in your ~/.sjef/molpro/backends.xml that is ssh-accessible
project_name = 'Bak2000_atomisations'
parallel = None  # how many jobs to run at once
methods = {"HF": ["hf", "uhf"],
"MP2": ["mp2", "ump2"],
# "MP3": ["mp3", "ump3"],
# "MP4": ["mp4", "ump4"],
"CCSD": ["ccsd", "uccsd"], "CCSD(T)": ["ccsd(t)", "uccsd(t)"], }
bases = ['cc-pCVDZ', 'cc-pCVTZ', 'cc-pCVQZ', 'cc-pCV5Z']
db = pymolpro.database.load("Bak2000_atomisations")
results = {}
for method in methods:
    results[method] = {}
    for basis in bases:
        results[method][basis] =, methods[method], basis, location=project_name,
                                                       preamble="core,small", parallel=parallel)
for method in methods:
    for result in pymolpro.database.basis_extrapolate(results[method].values(), results['HF'].values()):
        results[method][result.basis] = result
    for basis in results[method]:
        if basis not in bases: bases.append(basis)
pd.set_option('display.precision', 2)
method_errors=pymolpro.database.analyse([results[method]['cc-pCV[45]Z'] for method in methods], db, 'kj/mol')[
    'reaction statistics']
with open(project_name + '.method_errors.tex', 'w') as tf:
    tf.write('\\ifx\\toprule\\undefined\\def\\toprule{\\hline\\hline}\n\\def\\midrule{\\hline}\n\\def\\bottomrule{\\hline\\hline}\\fi') # or \usepackage{booktabs}
    tf.write(,multicol_align='c',caption='Method errors'))
cc-pCV[45]Z cc-pCV[45]Z cc-pCV[45]Z cc-pCV[45]Z
MSD -405.05 30.04 -28.48 0.08
STDEVD 143.84 32.64 16.43 1.12
MAD 405.05 35.11 28.50 0.90
MAXD 598.79 112.20 58.55 2.45
RMSD 428.32 43.60 32.62 1.09
pd.set_option('display.precision', 2)
basis_errors=pymolpro.database.analyse([results['CCSD(T)'][basis] for basis in bases], db, 'kj/mol')[
    'reaction statistics']
with open(project_name + '.basis_errors.tex', 'w') as tf:
    tf.write('\\ifx\\toprule\\undefined\\def\\toprule{\\hline\\hline}\n\\def\\midrule{\\hline}\n\\def\\bottomrule{\\hline\\hline}\\fi') # or \usepackage{booktabs}
    tf.write(,multicol_align='c',caption='Basis errors'))
cc-pCVDZ cc-pCVTZ cc-pCVQZ cc-pCV5Z cc-pCV[23]Z cc-pCV[34]Z cc-pCV[45]Z
MSD -103.07 -34.00 -13.46 -6.61 -14.66 -0.23 0.08
STDEVD 37.19 13.58 5.63 3.08 8.39 2.15 1.12
MAD 103.07 34.00 13.46 6.61 14.74 1.68 0.90
MAXD 155.71 51.58 20.15 10.71 29.53 4.01 2.45
RMSD 109.18 36.45 14.52 7.25 16.76 2.10 1.09
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

methods_pruned = [method for method in methods if method != 'HF']
bases_pruned = ['cc-pCVTZ', 'cc-pCVQZ', 'cc-pCV5Z', 'cc-pCV[34]Z', 'cc-pCV[45]Z']
fig, panes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=len(bases_pruned), sharey=True, figsize=(18, 6))

for pane in range(len(bases_pruned)):
    data = []
    for method in methods_pruned:
                                      db,'kJ/mol')['reaction energy deviations'].to_numpy()[:, 0]
    panes[pane].violinplot(data, showmeans=True, showextrema=True, vert=True, bw_method='silverman')
    panes[pane].set_xticks(range(1, len(methods_pruned) + 1), labels=methods_pruned, rotation=-90)
panes[0].set_ylabel('Error / kJ/mol')
plt.savefig(project_name + ".violin.pdf")
