Evaluate charge density at the atomic nuclei
Do an electronic structure calculation
from pymolpro import Project
p = Project("evaluate_charge_density")
assert p.status == 'completed'
Evaluate occupied orbitals then density on a grid at the nuclear positions
import numpy as np
atoms = p.geometry()
print(str(len(atoms)) + ' atoms:')
for atom in atoms:
print(atom['id'], atom['elementType'], atom['xyz'])
points = [atom['xyz'] for atom in atoms]
results = []
for state in range(len(p.xpath('//orbitals'))):
orbitalsAtPoints = p.evaluateOrbitals(points, instance=state)
results.append([0.0 for point in points])
for orbital in orbitalsAtPoints:
for ipoint in range(len(orbital['values'])):
results[-1][ipoint] += orbital['values'][ipoint] ** 2 * orbital['occ']
print('Calculated densities at the nuclei\n', np.array(results))
2 atoms:
a1 F [0.0, 0.0, -0.08725992951335484]
a2 H [0.0, 0.0, 1.644740070486644]
Calculated densities at the nuclei
[[4.40214461e+02 3.42402191e-01]
[4.39554369e+02 2.14828887e-01]
[4.42399757e+02 4.06209932e-01]]
Check that the densities at the nuclei agree with values calculated directly in Molpro
for state in range(len(p.xpath('//orbitals'))):
for atom in atoms:
value = float(
p.xpath('//property[@name="DELTA(' + atom['elementType'] + ')" and @stateNumber="' + str(state + 1) + '"]')[
print(state+1, atom['elementType'],results[state][atoms.index(atom)],value,results[state][atoms.index(atom)]-value)
1 F 440.2144610686323 440.214461088477 -1.9844662801915547e-08
1 H 0.34240219096060126 0.342402151500937 3.945966425833447e-08
2 F 439.5543685301112 439.554369380541 -8.50429785259621e-07
2 H 0.21482888674378783 0.2148289453077 -5.856391216418899e-08
3 F 442.3997566224122 442.399756622169 2.432329893053975e-10
3 H 0.4062099317051013 0.406209931733528 -2.842670543401482e-11