This is the complete list of members for sjef::Project, including all inherited members.
add_backend(const std::string &name, const mapstringstring_t &fields) | sjef::Project | |
backend_cache() const | sjef::Project | |
backend_get(const std::string &backend, const std::string &key) const | sjef::Project | |
backend_names() const | sjef::Project | |
backend_parameter_default(const std::string &backend, const std::string &name) const | sjef::Project | inline |
backend_parameter_delete(const std::string &backend, const std::string &name) | sjef::Project | inline |
backend_parameter_documentation(const std::string &backend, const std::string &name) const | sjef::Project | inline |
backend_parameter_expand(const std::string &backend, std::string templ="") const | sjef::Project | |
backend_parameter_get(const std::string &backend, const std::string &name) const | sjef::Project | inline |
backend_parameter_set(const std::string &backend, const std::string &name, const std::string &value) | sjef::Project | inline |
backend_parameters(const std::string &backend, bool doc=false) const | sjef::Project | |
backends() const | sjef::Project | inline |
backends() | sjef::Project | inline |
change_backend(std::string backend=std::string{""}, bool force=false) | sjef::Project | |
check_all_backends() const | sjef::Project | |
check_backend(const std::string &name) const | sjef::Project | |
clean(int keep_run_directories=1) | sjef::Project | |
copy(const std::filesystem::path &destination_filename, bool force=false, bool keep_hash=false, bool slave=false, int keep_run_directories=std::numeric_limits< int >::max(), bool history=true) | sjef::Project | |
current_run() const | sjef::Project | |
custom_initialisation() | sjef::Project | |
custom_run_preface() | sjef::Project | |
delete_backend(const std::string &name) | sjef::Project | |
erase(const std::filesystem::path &filename, const std::string &default_suffix="") | sjef::Project | static |
export_file(const std::filesystem::path &file, bool overwrite=false) | sjef::Project | |
export_file(const std::vector< std::string > &files, bool overwrite=false) | sjef::Project | inline |
file_contents(const std::string &suffix="", const std::string &name="", int run=0, bool sync=true) const | sjef::Project | |
filename(std::string suffix="", const std::string &name="", int run=-1) const | sjef::Project | |
filename_string(std::string suffix="", const std::string &name="", int run=-1) const | sjef::Project | |
import_file(const std::filesystem::path &file, bool overwrite=false) | sjef::Project | |
import_file(const std::vector< std::string > &files, bool overwrite=false) | sjef::Project | inline |
input_from_output(bool sync=true) const | sjef::Project | |
input_hash() const | sjef::Project | |
kill(int verbosity=0) | sjef::Project | |
local_pid_from_output() const | sjef::Project | |
move(const std::filesystem::path &destination_filename, bool force=false, bool history=true) | sjef::Project | |
name() const | sjef::Project | |
Project(const std::filesystem::path &filename, bool construct=true, const std::string &default_suffix="", const mapstringstring_t &suffixes={{"inp", "inp"}, {"out", "out"}, {"xml", "xml"}}) | sjef::Project | explicit |
Project(const Project &source)=delete | sjef::Project | |
Project(const Project &&source)=delete | sjef::Project | |
project_hash() | sjef::Project | |
property_delete(const std::string &property) | sjef::Project | |
property_delete(const std::vector< std::string > &properties) | sjef::Project | |
property_get(const std::string &property) const | sjef::Project | |
property_get(const std::vector< std::string > &properties) const | sjef::Project | |
property_names() const | sjef::Project | |
property_set(const std::string &property, const std::string &value) | sjef::Project | |
property_set(const mapstringstring_t &properties) | sjef::Project | |
propertyFile() const | sjef::Project | |
recent(const std::string &suffix, int number=1) | sjef::Project | static |
recent(int number=1) const | sjef::Project | |
recent_find(const std::string &suffix, const std::filesystem::path &filename) | sjef::Project | static |
recent_find(const std::filesystem::path &filename) const | sjef::Project | |
refresh_backends() | sjef::Project | |
rewrite_input_file(const std::string &input_file_name, const std::string &old_name) | sjef::Project | |
run(int verbosity=0, bool force=false, bool wait=false, const std::string &options="") | sjef::Project | |
run(const std::string &name, int verbosity=0, bool force=false, bool wait=false, const std::string &options="") | sjef::Project | inline |
run_delete(int run) | sjef::Project | |
run_directory(int run=0) const | sjef::Project | |
run_directory_basename(int run=0) const | sjef::Project | |
run_directory_new() | sjef::Project | |
run_list() const | sjef::Project | |
run_list_t typedef | sjef::Project | |
run_needed(int verbosity=0) const | sjef::Project | |
run_verify(int run) const | sjef::Project | |
select_nodes(const std::string &xpath_query, int run=0) const | sjef::Project | |
set_current_run(unsigned int run=0) | sjef::Project | |
set_verbosity(int verbosity, std::ostream &stream=std::cout) | sjef::Project | inline |
set_warnings(const Logger::Levels level=Logger::Levels::warning, std::ostream &stream=std::cerr, std::vector< std::string > preambles={"sjef:: Error: ", "sjef:: Warning: ", "sjef:: Note:"}) | sjef::Project | inline |
status() const | sjef::Project | |
status_from_output() const | sjef::Project | |
status_message(int verbosity=0) const | sjef::Project | |
suffix_keys | sjef::Project | static |
take_run_files(int run=0, const std::string &fromname="", const std::string &toname="") const | sjef::Project | |
trash() | sjef::Project | |
util::Job class | sjef::Project | friend |
wait(unsigned int maximum_microseconds=10000) const | sjef::Project | |
xml(int run=0, bool sync=true) const | sjef::Project | |
xpath_search(const std::string &xpath_query, const std::string &attribute="", int run=0) const | sjef::Project | |
xpath_xml(const std::string &xpath_query, int run=0) const | sjef::Project | |
~Project() | sjef::Project | virtual |